Saturday, January 17, 2015

It Doesn't Look Like Much, Does It?

The Concluence

[kon-floo-uh ns]

1. a flowing together of two or more streams, rivers, or the like:
"the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers."

2. their place of junction:
"St. Louis is at the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers."
 You wouldn't think it to look at the picture but this is the most important river junction in North America, the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi in the northern part of our area. The Missouri and its swirling ice is in the foreground with the clear Mississippi behind. The view is a bit more dramatic in the old photo of the point of land between the two, taken on the spit in the center of this picture:

The Confluence 1

Clearer still on a map. Lotta water                     

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