Thursday, April 30, 2015

CDP Theme Day: Revolution

Don't Kiss Me

We don't have any Ferris wheels in STL at the moment. No huge tires or gears got my attention and no insurrection in the streets like Baltimore this week. But this will do.

A motorbike with a picture of Che Guevara on the mud flap and some pointed text. I took this picture in Kathmandu in 2009. Heaven knows what the road looks like today.

Reports trickle in to us from the Mitrata Foundation in KTM. We learned yesterday that Januka, the young woman we have sponsored for years, is in her home village and safe. We wonder what conditions she is living in.

If you don't think the picture fits the theme you can click here.

Nonprofit Spotlight: How Handbags Are Saving Honduran Women’s Lives

Kathy Rosario's handbags aren't just practical: They give girls in Honduras a chance at a better life.

STL’s Visionaries: 7 Top Women in the Arts Honored Monday

From education to activism, these women are making a difference in St. Louis.

Lift For Life Academy To Present Celebrating Success Spring Fashion Show On Sunday

On Sunday, St. Louis' fashion elite will band together for a fabulous cause--the 5th Annual Celebrating Success Spring Fashion Show presented by the talented young designers of Lift for Life Academy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Cromlech Glen

Cromlach Glen, a giant installation sculpture at Laumeier Sculpture Park, is one of my favorite works at the park. It has slowly begun to deteriorate, gain a patina, over the decades, much as its designer...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Listen to Your Mother!

Want to celebrate Mother’s Day with something more interesting than brunch and a macaroni necklace? Then pick up tickets to go see Listen To Your Mother, a live show on May 9. St. Louis moms (and a couple dads) will tell their stories from the trenches of parenting. The show is at St. Luke’s Hospital, and […]

The post Listen to Your Mother! appeared first on StLMotherhood.

Monday, April 27, 2015

This Week’s Dish: STL’s Simone Faure Heads To Next Round on Food Network Baking Competiton

Last week The Purple Martin unveiled a new menu that reflects their new head chef’s Haitian background.

Celebrate STL at This Week’s ‘Be a Tourist in Your Own Town’ Event

St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission is encouraging St. Louisans to “Be a Tourist in Your Own Town” with a celebratory event at Ballpark Village April 30.

Marx Hardware, Old North

Apparently this is the last generation that will operate Marx Hardware, and it will close forever when this generation retires.  

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hug a tree. Save a whale.

Easth Day 2015-04-26 1

Yesterday brought the annual Earth Day celebration in Forest Park. The weather was just perfect and the crowd was large.

I don't like the direction our festival is taking. It seems more corporate and tightly controlled. Much less wacky spontaneous activity. I remember seeing seeing a powerful man in a silk suit doing tai chi with himself in a central area; young people performing capoeira, the Brazilian martial art/dance form, on the sidewalk; three young men playing banjo, guitar and fiddle, without authorization and just for fun; a woman in flowing robes standing by a sign that read "Free Hugs"; a veritable encampment of the faeries from the Renaissance Faire; a full service bar. Everything like this is gone.

Now we find booth after booth just trying to sell something or promote an organization. They have always been there but now there is little relief. Most of the entertainment is pretty tame. It has lost some of its fun and charm. Still, there are always interesting people.

Easth Day 2015-04-26 2

Saturday, April 25, 2015

I Love What You’ve Done with the Place

I love what Paul McKee has done with this property. It didn’t look like this when he first bought it with one of his shell companies. While it wasn’t in perfect shape, there was still...

Friday, April 24, 2015

#ShitToHit TONIGHT: 2015 Communication Design Senior Seminar Projects - @SamFoxSchool


Please join us for a public reception to celebrate the completion and exhibition of books, posters, animatics, and websites representing the culminating body of work for communication design seniors.

Students devote the spring semester to the research, development, and production of the seminar projects, some of which will evolve into published texts, product/program concepts, motion or web applications, or continued platforms of investigation and research.

RSVP on Facebook

Poster by Carmi Cioni

Designers: Mitch Atkin, Justin Au, Anna Bang, Celine Bondoc, Ingrid Chang, Danielle Clemons, Lexy Copithorne, Christian Del Rio, Casey Federbusch, Julia Kent, Sungsub Kim, Nancy Landaverde, Simin Lim, Emily Luken, Wyeisha McDowell, Sydney Meyers, Jackie Reich, Jocelyn Runice, Emily Sybrant, Michael Tarazi, and Maya Theus.

Illustrators: Sophia Brown, Alex Chiu, Leslie Ding, Kim Gagnon, Jack Herzog, Eden Lewis, Katherine McCarter, Brandon Pogrob, Ben Shafer, and Elin Wojciechowski.

The seminar faculty are Amy Auman, Jonathan Hanahan, and John Hendrix. Special thanks to senior design consultants Jef Ebers, Ben Franklin, Scott Gericke, Kirsten O'Loughlin, Abram Siemsen, Jason Stoff, Kelsey Towell, and Enrique Von Rohr, along with Jen Meyer and the Career Center.

Brown Shoe Company To Be Honored As Company Of The Year

It's been a big month and even bigger year for St. Louis-based international footwear giant Brown Shoe Company, soon to be Caleres, which was chosen by the American Apparel & Footwear Association as Company of the Year.

Grand Center’s Strauss Park Receives Southwest Airlines Grant for Renovations

It's a spring park-lift.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Let's Do This

Let's Do This (This Way To The Arch)

Yeah, finish the %&@$# Arch area renovations. The construction people have closed off all the entrances to the Arch grounds but one, and it's not in a terribly convenient location. Hence these stencils painted all over downtown sidewalks; without them most visitors would never find the way in.

Oh, and the traffic problems from tearing up and rerouting so many streets. There is an international robotics competition for high school students in town. Yesterday morning, while driving the new convoluted route to my office, a group of kids wearing Norwegian flag jackets almost walked into my car. They were either confused by the deconstructed intersection or awestruck by the glories of downtown St. Louis. I couldn't tell which.

Laphroaig Releasing 15-Year Scotch for 200th Anniversary

Celebrated scotch-maker Laphroaig is honoring the 200th anniversary of Laphroaig Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky this year the best way they know how: with the release of another scotch.

Holly Hills East of the Railroad Tracks

Smaller houses and multi-family buildings predominate east of the railroad tracks in Holly Hills, with busy Grand Boulevard nearby. Still, however, the housing stock remains well-maintained. What will its future hold, however, if slumlords get...

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

7 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day In STL

It's Earth Day in St. Louis! Taking care of our beautiful city should be an every day effort, and lucky for us the rest of this week contains several events inspiring us to do just that.

New Cartoons on Netflix with Julien, Puss and Hiccup

Yippee! Netflix has done it again, we’ve got more All Hail King Julien episodes! There are five more awesome cartoons for the kids ready and waiting for us on streaming today!  I’m a member of the #StreamTeam and this post is sponsored by Netflix. All opinions are my own, naturally. I haven’t had a chance to watch the […]

The post New Cartoons on Netflix with Julien, Puss and Hiccup appeared first on StLMotherhood.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April Showers

Forest Park 2014-04-19 2

In Forest Park, just after a spring rain. For the locals, this is a bit east of the Jewel Box.

Haven't been getting around CDP much. Too many obligations, too many things to do. This too shall pass.

Finalists Announced In The Search For Official Explore St. Louis Summer Ambassador With ALIVE And KSDK NewsChannel 5

After a month long search for the first Official Explore St. Louis Summer Ambassador, the St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission in conjunction with ALIVE Magazine and KSDK NewsChannel 5, have selected their five finalists.

The @STLToday Photography Staff's Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photography of Ferguson Protests


They truly did an incredible job of capturing the entire scope of the sad situation. View the entire album here.

Edward Crawford returns a tear gas canister fired by police who were trying to disperse protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Four days earlier, unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by white police officer Darren Wilson. The killing ignited riots and unrest in the St. Louis area and across the nation. (Robert Cohen, St. Louis Post-Dispatch - August 13, 2014)

A member of the St. Louis County Police tactical team fires tear gas into a crowd of people in response to a series of gunshots fired at police during demonstrations in Ferguson. For more than two weeks, police and protesters clashed nightly. (David Carson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch - August 18, 2014)

A protester shields himself from exploding tear gas canisters. On this night protesters attempted to throw Molotov cocktails, rocks and bottles at police. It was the fourth consecutive night police used tear gas to disperse the crowd. (David Carson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch - August 13, 2014)

Protesters take pictures in front of Juanita's Fashion R Boutique on West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson, hours after a grand jury declined to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Twelve businesses along a stretch of roadway more than a mile long were burned to the ground. (Robert Cohen, St. Louis Post-Dispatch - November 14, 2014)

The photo staff consists of chief photographer J.B. Forbes, photographers Carson, Cohen, Cristina Fletes-Boutte, Christian Gooden, Chris Lee, Huy Mach and Laurie Skrivan; and director of photography Lynden Steele; photo editor Hilary Levin; and Gary Hairlson, director of video.

Brown Shoe Company Rebrands Itself as 'Caleres'


One of the giant St. Louis companies, that employs quite a number of local creatives, announced last week that it was rebranding itself – ditching the name brown shoe & the ribbon logo and going for a more refined approach with a latin word that means "passionate, to glow" – Caleres.

From the in-depth STL Today Article:
“Brown Shoe doesn’t conjure up the image of who we are today,” Brown Shoe’s CEO, president and chairwoman Diane Sullivan said in an interview. “Our name has to be more than a name — it must be managed as a brand. It’s hard to be emotional about a brown shoe.”

Old logo & name

Cali-based Lexicon Branding developed the new name.
NY-based Collins designed the new logo.

Several Collins employees traveled to Clayton last year and spent several days combing through company archives to find inspiration and uncovered Brown Shoe’s Star-Five-Star mark that was used in company advertising dating to 1885.

The mark – a number 5 with a star on either side – was once stamped on the bottom of the company’s shoes, and Brown Shoe advertised that if the mark wore off before the shoes did, it would refund the customer $5.

While we are partial to a name that reflected a true St. Louis success story, it's gotta be hard to represent yourself as a 2.6 billion dollar entity called "Brown Shoe" – like Sullivan says, it doesn't exactly conjure up stunning visual imagery or passionate feelings.

The new mark works for us, paying tribute to the earlier days of Brown with the *5* while instituting a heavy-serifed face (which itself is fairly interesting in blending a Roman-Classical feel with aggressive triangular serifs) that works in communicating fashion, history and authority.

What's your take on the new name and logo?
Let us know in the comments.

- - -
Related article from the archives:
"Brown Shoe Company Branding Explained & Sneak Preview"

More Side Streets, Holly Hills

Holly Hills was suburbia when it was laid out, early automobile suburbia, but suburbia nonetheless. There are still some alleys, but for the most part, drive ways begin to intrude into the streetscape. There are...

Monday, April 20, 2015

Now Hiring: Internship - @HalskiStudio


Halski Studio is hiring: Internship.
Please Note: You must become a member to see jobs posted within the last three days.

2015 Women’s Marathon Champ Andrea Karl Honored at St. Louis Cardinals Game

It was a special night for 2015 GO! St. Louis marathon winner Andrea Karl, who was invited to re-enact her finish at the St. Louis Cardinals game on Sunday, April 19 at Busch Stadium. Karl started running from the outfield warning track, crossed home plate and broke the finish line tape, where she was greeted by Olympic Gold Medalist Jackie Joyner Kersee and Mercy Regional President Donn Sorensen. It was an emotional tribute for Karl, who was applauded by players and more than 40,000 spectators in attendance for the game. She is a doctoral student at Washington University in St. […]

The post 2015 Women’s Marathon Champ Andrea Karl Honored at St. Louis Cardinals Game appeared first on Go! St. Louis.

Federer Place

Federer Place was laid out with a boulevard and a distinctly secluded groundplan; on one end are the railroad tracks, and at the other end is another street. You can’t just wander back here accidentally...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Now I'm Sure Spring Is Here

Cards vs Reds 2015-04-18 1

I went to my office Saturday morning, as I do all too often. Total boredom. My camera was on the floor beside my desk and I was out of local material. Go out, Robert, find something, I thought. But the sky was gray and everything looked dull and I didn't have any energy and wah wah wah, the usual excuses. With some effort, I trudged down Broadway toward Busch Stadium searching for images.

The Cardinals had a day game. Nothing happening outside the stadium. Now what? Go to the game. Our weekend matches are more or less all sold out but you can usually get a single ticket so that's what I did. Baseball is often a social event with family or friends. It was nice to go by myself and just pay attention to events on the field.

Above, a young vendor selling snacks near my seat. Below, red, white and the theme of the day. It's really spring when Matt Carpenter leads off and plays third base near a Budweiser sign.

Cards vs Reds 2015-04-18 2

Friday, April 17, 2015

SLAM Presents New Multimedia Exhibition ‘Currents 110: Mariam Ghani’

Fact meets fiction in a multimedia work exploring St. Louis' social challenges.

Side Streets, Holly Hills

As I once said years ago about Lafayette Square, the beautiful mansions on the major streets of the city show off to visitors what a great city this is. But it’s the side streets, where most...

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Autozone Park Memphis 4 (Palindrome)

Members of the Iowa Cubs at Autozone Park in Memphis. You couldn't lose them in a fog.

It is far enough into the spring that we will be having lots of weekend events. Results soon.

All Of The Faces: A Photographer’s Journey to Befriend His Facebook

A man, his camera and 700 Facebook friends.

#STLBuzz: 7 Top Beer, BBQ And Whiskey Picks From Our New May Issue

With our new May issue, we've launched "The STL Beer, BBQ and Whiskey Challenge," a list of hot locales we dare you to try this summer. As an online bonus, we've teamed up with seven of our top spots worth trying today.

From The Editor: Inside The May Issue

With summer quickly approaching, we can’t think of a better time to dive into an exploration of three of the season’s best-loved indulgences: beer, barbecue and whiskey.

Holly Hills Boulevard, Revisited #2

The western half of Holly Hills Boulevard offers a fascinating look at the 1920s and 30s in St. Louis. I looked at the street years ago, but we returned again this last weekend.   

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Now Hiring: Intern - @BlackTwigPR


Black Twig Communications is hiring: Intern.
Please Note: You must become a member to see jobs posted within the last three days.

Trend To Wear Now: Borrowing From The Boys

This season, women are taking a few cues from the guys with staples like sporty jackets, trousers of all sorts, and slouchy denim.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pins And Needles Fashion Show Is Accepting Designer Submissions

The annual emerging designer fashion event, Pins and Needles, is set to take place once again in August 2015 and the producers at Brainchild Events are now accepting designer submissions through May 1.

ARC: @STLSpotlight Captures the Spark of Passion in Welder Ellie Shepley's Story


Using recycled materials whenever possible, local welder and entrepreneur Ellie Shepley handcrafts art and custom-made pieces out of metal for both residential and commercial clients. Located in South City in St. Louis, MO, she is truly an artist dedicated to her passion.

“Our city has so much to offer,” says Chris Ryan, Creative Director at Once Films. “Building community and celebrating people like Ellie is the impetus behind The Spotlight Series. We feel a true kinship with those who let a passion for their work guide their lives. The Spotlight Series is a collection of personal vignettes that feature craftsmen, artists, and entrepreneurs.”

The Premiere comes on the heels of Once Films latest honor from The AdClub St. Louis who recently donned The Spotlight Series with two Gold “ADDYs” one for The Spotlight Series in its entirety and one for Cinematography of the previous Spotlight film “MWANZI.” Once Films also won the District Gold ADDY's for the Spotlight Series and film MWANZI. The Series and the Film will go on to compete at the national level.

View the rest of the beautiful series here

Monday, April 13, 2015

Win Magic House Tickets (and see China!)

Can’t travel to China this summer? Then let the Magic House bring China to you! Yep, the lastest, coolest traveling exhibit at the Magic House is Children’s China: Celebrating Culture, Character & Confucius! Mitch and I checked it out and had a great time…and I’d like you to be able to go see it too–for […]

The post Win Magic House Tickets (and see China!) appeared first on StLMotherhood.

13 New #STL Jobs, 31 Total


13 new full-time, freelance and internship jobs posted in the past month, with 31 total on the list. Log in as a member to see the latest.

Post your jobs here to tap into the best local talent.

— — —
[Freelance] Freelance Illustrator - The Tremendousness Collective

[Full-Time] Art Director - Scorch Agency

[Full-Time] Information Designer - The Tremendousness Collective

[Full-time]Copywriter - Switch

[Full-time]Sr. Interactive Art Director - Switch

[Full-time]Senior Account Executive - Geile Leon

[Internship] Design Intern - Spoke Marketing

[Full-time] Web Designer - LaunchCode

[Internship] Summer Intern - 2e Creative

[Internship] Graphic Design Intern - Marketing28

[Internship] Summer Intern - Cannonball Advertising

[Full-time] Copywriter - GROUP360 Worldwide

[Full-time] Senior Art Director - MarketPlace

The Apple II Watch


Introducing a 3D-printed, fully functional watch inspired by Steve Wozniak's original 8-bit computer, the Apple II. Step-by-step instructions on how to build yours here.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

How to Celebrate the St. Louis Cardinals’ Opening Day

The Cardinals' home opener is this Monday, April 13, and Ballpark Village already has plenty of festivities lined up for the event.

McKee Finished?

Back when this website first began in 2008, there was a mysterious shell company called Blairmont buying up houses in North St. Louis. They thought no one would notice. Someone did. I used to post...

Friday, April 10, 2015

#ShitToHit TONIGHT: Animating Stories with @jrcanest of @giantant at Centene Center


Join AIGA St. Louis and friends tonight 6:30p at the Centene Center for the FREE talk, “Animating Stories” and get inspired by Jorge Canedo Estrada Art Director and Animator at GIANT ANT. Yes, the creative studio in Vancouver Canada!

We brought the beer, bring your beer holding hand.

6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
RSVP & Directions on Facebook here.

The Giant And The Pipsqueak

Madeleine At Citygarden 2015-04-09 2

Guest photos by daughter Emily. Yesterday was a pleasant spring day. Emily brought Madeleine downtown to splash in the fountains at Citygarden. I walked over from my office to meet them. Em brought her big camera and took these shots.

There is a grid of metal plates in the pavement that shoot up water in varying patterns. At first Madeleine was baffled. Once she got the idea she squealed with delight, running from jet to jet, putting her hand over them and waiting tor each to squirt. She got good and wet.

One of the rare posts with a peek at me.

Madeleine At Citygarden 2015-04-09 4

Madeleine At Citygarden 2015-04-09 1

Madeleine At Citygarden 2015-04-09 5

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Now Hiring: Freelance Illustrator - @Tremendo_us


The Tremendousness Collective is hiring: Freelance Illustrator.
Please Note: You must become a member to see jobs posted within the last three days.

Now Hiring Locally: Art Director - @ScorchAgency


SCORCH is seeking an experienced Art Director with strong creative instincts that can work independently as well as collaborate with larger teams. Do you live for leading-edge design, have a contagious work ethic and a strong attention to detail? Do you strive to produce work at the highest quality standards and absorb design knowledge and trends? Do you have the ability to translate brand guidelines and to explore boundaries for well-recognized brands? Our work must follow our clients’ brand standards but still advance, challenge, and evolve visual communications for both the client and the agency.

See the full details

Please Note: You must become a member to see jobs posted within the last three days.
*Note to Agencies: The 'find a job' link is the most clicked-on area of our site by readers.*

NUUFORM Knitwear To Launch At Enamel On Saturday, April 18

For lovers of both art and fashion, mark your calendars to attend the launch party and pop-up event for artist Rachel Sperry and her new line of knitwear, NUUFORM, on Saturday April 18 at Enamel.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

9 Concerts You Can’t Miss this April

Music is on fire this April in St. Louis. From rock to alternative music, hip-hop and more, you don't want to skip out on the great live shows this month



No idea how he created it (something about a fishbowl), but it's all real. Made by audiovisual artist Kamiel Rongen.


Announcing The Explore St. Louis Summer Ambassador Search

We've teamed up with KSDK NewsChannel 5,, the Midwest Influencer Network and the St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission to find the first Explore St. Louis Summer Ambassador for summer 2015!

Neiman Marcus Welcomes Derek Lam 10 Crosby VP Of Design (And STL Native) Elizabeth Giardina

Elizabeth "Liz" Giardina, the vice president of design at hip, fashion-forward label Derek Lam 10 Crosby, heads back to the Lou for a personal appearance, fashion chat and presentation at Plaza Frontenac's Neiman Marcus on Saturday, April 18.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Celebrating Milton Glaser


A short film for The New York Times talking with the wonderful graphic designer Milton Glaser — the creator of I ♥️NY, New York Magazine, rooklyn Brewery and many other classic designs.


Pink Sheep Heiress Launches Sheep Shades

St. Louis native and designer Katie McKenna is upping the rock 'n' roll ante for Pink Sheep Heiress with the addition of Sheep Shades, a new line of unisex eyewear that make their debut this month.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Spring Moon

Compton Hill Water Tower Moonrise 2015-04-04 2

The beautiful late-19th Century Compton Hill Water Tower and the reservoir beside it have been out of use for decades. You can climb the 196 steps to the top on the first Saturday of the month, April through October. It was open into the evening last night so people could see the rising of the spring full moon. The observation deck was packed, the shots could have been better, but this will do.
Compton Hill Water Tower Moonrise 2015-04-04 1

Compton Hill Water Tower Moonrise 2015-04-04 3

Compton Hill Water Tower Moonrise 2015-04-04 4

Thursday, April 2, 2015

4 Sure Ways To Fill Your Social Calendar This Month

Let your inner social butterfly fly this month and carve out time to attend these four great events.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Now Hiring Locally: Web Designer - @Launch_Code


We are looking for someone to lead the design and contribute to the User Interface and Experience of LaunchCode's website, especially as LaunchCode expands nationally. The ideal candidate should demonstrate strong proficiency in graphic design, and familiarity with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

See the full details

Please Note: You must become a member to see jobs posted within the last three days.
*Note to Agencies: The 'find a job' link is the most clicked-on area of our site by readers.*

Mark Your Calendars: Trivia Night, Brightside Clean-up, Young Artists Showcase & House Tour

The usual spring burst of activities in Old North St. Louis is upon us. We invite one and all to join us here in Old North for all of the following events that sustain and celebrate the best of neighborhood-driven community revitalization: Saturday, April 11 - Trivia Night to Benefit North City Farmers’ Market and 13th [...]

Six Out-of-the-Box STL Smoothies to Boost Your Day

Because life's too short for strawberry-and-banana smoothies.