Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Anheuser Busch Power Plant

Bellefontaine, Soulard and A-B Brewery 172

I know little about the operation of power plants, other than you burn something in them that produces heat that then turns water into steam, which turns a generator that produces electricity, but I do know that historic power plants around St. Louis are wonderful reminders of the city’s burgeoning industrial might back in the day. The A-B power plant is still active, though I imagine that it’s been converted into a steam plant. Does anyone know?

Bellefontaine, Soulard and A-B Brewery 214 Bellefontaine, Soulard and A-B Brewery 180 Bellefontaine, Soulard and A-B Brewery 177 Bellefontaine, Soulard and A-B Brewery 179  Bellefontaine, Soulard and A-B Brewery 169

I am giving a tour of the Lafayette Square neighborhood this Thursday, June 18th. Buy tickets here.

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