Tuesday, June 23, 2015

St. Augustine’s, Being Destroyed

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I had wanted to keep this a secret as long as possible, but judging by how many photos I’ve seen of people posting views of the interior on the Internet, it’s no secret that one of the most amazing churches in St. Louis has been abandoned, trashed, looted and left to collapse due to water permeation.

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The bastards have ripped off a ton of the copper on the roof, destroying huge amounts of slate shingles, allowing water to go straight down into the walls.

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The church has finally been secured by plywood, though I’m sure that too will be ripped off soon, too. The front door had stood open for most of the last six months.

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I met the son of the pastor of the church, which now meets in a house, one day last year when he was out front mowing the lawn. He was devastated by the sacrilege, and so am I.

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